
The Response of a call against the shared library looks like this

  "id": "some response identifier",
  "sessionId": "some reusable sessionId if provided on the request",
  "status": 200,
  "target": "the target url",
  "body": "The Response as string here or the error message",
  "headers": {},
  "cookies": {}

In case of an unexpected error the "status" will be 0

The "id" is necessary when you want to free the memory used to generate this response. Take a look at Memory Issues.

The "sessionId" can be rused to keep the cookies from the previous requests in this session.

The "status" indicates the status code of the remote response.

The "body" is the response body from the remote response.

The "headers" are the headers returned from the remote response.

The "cookies" are the cookies returned from the remote response.

Last updated